In the two cities that I live in, New York and Roma, recycling has become an integral part of the urban existence. Does the waxed tetra-pac go in the paper bin, or with the plastics? The blue bag goes to the curb on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Force of habit generates state of mind. So when I was thumbing through a portfolio of old prints at a bookseller a few weeks ago, and found several copies of a 19th century print, I knew I had to recycle them.
Christopher Pelley Water Bearer #1 |
Christopher Pelley Water Bearer #2 |
Christopher Pelley Water Bearer #3 |
Christopher Pelley Water Bearer #4 |
Christopher Pelley Water Bearer #5 |
Christopher Pelley Water Beater #6 |
paper size of each is 57cm x 43cm, image size is 37cm x 25cm