Monuments are, well, monumental. Big. Sense of scale is everything. As a New Yorker, one would think I am immune to the presence of the large, but counter-intuitively here in Roma I am in a state of perpetual awe. And my work has responded accordingly to my adopted environment. Recently in the studio I have been working on a series of large scale drawings which relate to this Eternal jumble of a City, which I then place in the urban environment. I like the in context / out of context tension that develops. (and of course I like to watch how people interact with them too)
Christopher Pelley Large Gesture #1
Christopher Pelley Large Gesture #1 |
Christopher Pelley Large Gesture #1
Christopher Pelley Large Gesture #1 |
This drawing (charcoal on paper, 230cm x 144cm) was temporarily installed on a sunny day at the end of March 2012, in Piazza Lovatelli, Roma